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I have a bachelor degree in Fashion Design and back in 2007, I started my own business in the events industry where I plan and organize exquisite events of personal and corporate nature.

I founded SARRA Foundation in 2017, driven by my desire to serve women from vulnerable groups in Bulgaria by supporting them on their path to personal transformation through to a fully risen life of stability and independence by placing our focus on the biggest dreams in their hearts. SARRA is really important for me due to my own story which is not too different from the stories of the women that our organization helps. For me, this is a journey, based upon my personal experience with domestic violence after which I had to raise my child as a single mother.

I am the Foundation’s President and part of my responsibilities include the creation, acceptance and monitoring of the implementation of internal acts, to recommend and introduce projects, reports and statements of our activities to the Board. I also determine the order and organization of SARRA’s activities for which I am responsible in front of the Board. In addition, it is my duty to appoint new members of the team in accordance with the decisions of the supreme collective body by organizing, managing and controlling their activity. I also participate in fundraising and am the Foundation’s representative in its third party relations.

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